Are you ready to take the next step?

The Bobcat Summer Leadership Program is open to all first-time full-time freshmen planning to attend East Georgia State College immediately after high school. The program is designed to provide you with an opportunity to build a strong academic foundation to ease the transition from high school to college. In addition to taking courses for credit toward your degree, you will connect with support services and engage in a range of leadership development activities.

This is a 4-week residential program on the Swainsboro campus but it is open to anyone who plans to attend EGSC at our other locations or online in the Fall. Classes and activities will run Monday through Friday each week from July 6 through August 1, 2025.

During the program you will:

    • Take 6 to 8 credit hours of classes,
    • Attend workshops to assist in your transition to college,
    • Participate in leadership development activities and field trips,
    • Engage with campus resources,
    • Meet key faculty and staff, and
    • Experience residence life in the Bobcat Villas (required).
When Where Cost 
July 6 - August 1, 2025 East Georgia State College's
Swainsboro Campus
+ tuition
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the program is full.


Classes and activities will be held Monday through Friday. Attendance is important, as each class session day is equivalent to one week in a regular semester. Students are encouraged to use the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) for homework/study or tutoring after classes each day. Optional social activities will be held each weekend during the program.

The instructors selected to teach on the program have a proven track record of effective teaching and a commitment to student success. The courses you take will depend on your high school GPA and any prior college credit earned through dual enrollment or AP exams.

Apply Now!

Note: You must be accepted to EGSC before applying for the Summer Leadership Program.


Apply Now!

Note: You must be accepted to EGSC before applying for the Summer Leadership Program.

Does my final high school transcript have to be received before I start classes?

Yes. The Office of Admissions must have your final high school transcript before you are able to begin classes. It will be your responsibility to make sure the request for your final transcript is submitted. Please note, financial aid will not be dispersed and you will not be able to move into campus housing until your final high school transcript is received.

What courses will I take?

The courses you take will depend on your high school GPA and any prior college credit earned through dual enrollment or AP exams. All students will take CATS 1101 Critical and Academic Thinking for Success, ART 1100 Introduction to Art and either ENGL 1101 English Composition I or a MATH course. The final course offerings will depend on student demand.

How much does the program cost?

There are two parts to the program cost: (1) Program Fee, and (2) Tuition and Fees.

The Program Fee of $1,080 covers your housing and meal plan. The meal plan includes nine meals per week--lunch and dinner Monday through Thursday and lunch only on Friday--and $50 to spend at the College Café. The cost of housing covers your time from move in on Sunday, July 6 through move out on Friday, August 1.

In addition to the program fee, you are required to pay Tuition and Fees for your academic classes. The exact cost will depend on the number of credit hours you take. Current tuition and fee rates are available on our Tuition and Fees page.

Can I use financial aid to cover the cost of the program and tuition?

Yes. In order to access financial aid, you must complete both the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 FAFSA prior to June 1. Please contact our Financial Aid Office for assistance.

What are the housing arrangements?

All participants will stay in East Georgia State College's on-campus housing, Bobcat Villas. For more information on Bobcat Villas, visit our housing page.

Do I have to stay in housing on campus?

Yes. The residential component of this program is designed to support student success.

Are there any exceptions to the mandatory housing requirement?

Yes. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for students who currently live with parents or family members in Swainsboro. These students will still be required to purchase a meal plan to cover lunches only.

Do I have to attend all the scheduled activities and workshops?

Yes. Participation in all scheduled activities and workshops is mandatory. By participating in the program, you are agreeing to attend all required sessions.

Do I have to stay on campus on the weekends?

No. You may leave after the last Friday class or activity session. You should plan to be back on campus on Sunday evening so that you are ready for classes on Monday morning.

What should I do if I can't attend class?

Attendance in all class sessions is mandatory for all program participants. As this is a residential program, the only excused absences would be for illness or family emergency. If you are feeling unwell, you should report this to your Resident Assistant and to your instructors. If you need to leave campus due to a family emergency, you must contact the Program Director immediately.

Do I need to submit my immunization records before starting school?

Yes. You cannot be registered for classes until we receive your records. Please submit them using our Immunization Form (PDF).

Can I participate in the program if I plan to attend EGSC-Augusta, EGSC-Statesboro, or EGSC-Online in the Fall?

Yes. All first-time full-time freshmen intending to take classes at any EGSC location may participate in the program. Please note that all participants must live in on-campus housing at the Swainsboro campus for the duration of the Bobcat Summer Leadership Program.